Should you replace the old worn-out flooring before selling a house?

September 29, 2022

Should you replace the old worn-out flooring before selling a house?

The answer is yes! 100% it should be replaced, no one wants to buy a house with warn-out flooring unless they get the house at a substantial discount.

Old flooring could have years of built-up dirt and the smell can put off many buyers. You know it smells and they know it smells. They probably won’t tell you it smells, as it’s not the buyer's job to tell you, what they will do instead of telling you it smells is they will go and price out getting new flooring, probably quality new flooring and the樂威壯
n factor that into the purchase price by discounting the price off of the list price of the home. Or more often than not they will just move on to the next listing and buy the house that is ready to move into and doesn’t smell.

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