DIY - Home inspection Report


D.I.Y. home inspection report

compliments of Istockhomes Marketing Ltd.

Please feel free to use this form as a buyer or as a seller of property. It has been designed to help you look closely for problems or potential problems that could be hidden. Going through this form slowly and carefully could save you thousands of dollars and months of grief.

Name of Owner: 


Country : 

Address : 

City : 

Province or State: 

Postal code or zip code: 

Owner’s contact number: 

Owners' contact email: 

Business name of the person inspecting the building: 

Name of the person inspecting the building: 

Business Lic# of inspector: 

Inspector Lic: # 

Jurisdiction of Inspector: 

Inspectors' contact Phone: 

Inspectors' contact email:

DATE OF INSPECTION:__________________




The Report

Is there a package of paperwork including The original drawings of the house or structure along with all inspection reports? y / n

Are there original receipts and owner’s manuals for all of the appliances in the home? y / n

The Roof

What is the age of the roof?

What is the roofing material? y / n

Is there any curling, or any cupping on the roofing? y / n

Does the roof appear to be worn showing its age or in need of being replaced? y / n

Are there broken, damaged, or missing shingles? y / n

Are there more than two layers of roofing? y / n

Is there any mold, rot, or decay on the roof? y / n

Are there cracked/broken/missing shingles? y / n

Are there any obvious patches on the roof? y / n

Is there any alligatoring, blistering, or wrinkling? y / n

Are there any silt deposits indicating improper drainage? y / n

Is there adequate flashing around all roof penetrations? y / n

Is there evidence of excess roofing cement/tar/caulk? y / n

Do the ridge and fascia board lines appear straight and level? y / n

What is the greatest angle of pitch on the roof? _________________



Soffits and fascia: 

are they in good condition with no decay, wood rot, or stains? y / n

Exterior venting for eave areas: Are the vents clean, clear, and not painted over? y / n

Gutters: are gutters and downpipes in good condition? without any decay or any rust, joints sealed, attached securely to structure, not bending or sagging, any sections of gutter or downspout missing, gutters clean, and no mud deposits? y / n

Are the chimneys straight, properly flashed, with no evidence of damaged bricks or any cracked joints, mortar/cement, and cap in good condition? Do the sides of the house appear straight, not bowed or sagging? y / n

Do window and door frames appear square? y / n

Do all windows and doors open and close properly? y / n

Do all windows and doors lock properly? y / n

Does the foundation appear in good condition - appears straight, plumb, with no significant cracking? y / n

Is there adequate clearance between ground and wood siding materials with no wood-to-earth contact? y / n

Is the siding in good condition free of any cracking, curling, loose siding, rot, or decay? y / n

Are masonry veneers in good condition free of any cracks in joints, any broken pieces, spalling, or flaking components? y / n

Is the stucco in good condition with little or no cracking or staining? y / n

Is the vinyl or aluminum siding in good condition, free from any dents, damage, bowing, or loose siding? y / n

Are there any vines growing or not on the surface of the structure? y / n

Is there any flaking or blistering paint on any of the exterior surfaces of the structure? y / n

Are there any stains on any of the exterior surfaces of the structure? y / n

What material are the window frames made of ?___________________

What type of glazing is installed in the windows of the structure?_____________

Are the windows in good condition, not scratched, not broken, no moisture between panes of glass, and have no paint overspray? y / n

Does the structure come with window screens installed on the windows? if so are they all in place and in good condition? y / n

If applicable are the muntin and mullion glazing compounds in good condition? y / n

If applicable are storm shudders in good working condition? y / n

Does the structure come with storm windows? y / n

If so are they all in place and in good condition? y / n

Are there drip caps installed over all windows and doors? y / n


The Attic

In the attic are there any stains on the underside of the roofing, especially around roof penetrations? y / n

In the attic is there any evidence of decay or damage to the structure? y / n

Is there sufficient insulation and is it properly installed with a moisture barrier installed closest to the heated area? y / n

Is there adequate ventilation with clear paths into the attic for air entering through soffit vents? y / n

Is all mechanical ventilation operating properly? y / n

Do any plumbing, exhaust, or appliance vents terminate in the attic? y / n

Are there any open electrical splices in the attic? y / n

Are all of the ceilings in good condition, free of cracking, sagging, missing texture, staining, or other faults? y / n

Do floors, walls and ceilings appear straight, plumb, and level in all of the rooms? y / n

Are all of the walls in good condition, free of any cracking, physical damage, peeling paint, blistering, or vandalism? y / n

Is all of the flooring in good condition, no runs in carpet, cracked or broken tiles, no missing grout, or squeaking underfoot? y / n

Do the interior doors operate easily and latch properly with no broken hardware? y / n

Is all the wood trim installed properly and in good condition? y / n

Do all lights and switches operate properly with no broken bulbs? y / n

Is there a working heat source in each in each habitable room? y / n

Is the fireplace in good working order, with no cracking, damaged masonry, smoke stains, and a working flue? y / n




Are the kitchen cabinets in good condition, and doors and drawers operating properly? y / n

Does the kitchen exhaust fan work and is it vented to the exterior of the building? y / n

Does the dishwasher drain properly, no leaks, baskets, and do the door springs operate properly? y / n

Are there any leaks in pipes under sinks? y / n

Is the floor in the cabinet under the sink solid, with no stains or decay? y / n

Is the water flow in the sink adequate? y / n

Is there any excessive rust or deterioration on garbage disposal or waste pipes? y / n

Do all built-in appliances operate properly? y / n

Is a stove included in the purchase? If so does it operate properly? y / n

Is a refrigerator included in the purchase?  y / n

If so does it operate properly? y / n



Do all bathrooms have working exhaust fans that exhaust to the outside of the structure? y / n

Do all water fixtures have an adequate flow of water? y / n

Do the sink, tub, and shower drain properly? y / n

Is the plumbing and cabinet floor under the sink in good condition? y / n

If the sink is metal, it shows no signs of rust, and the overflow drain doesn't leak. y / n

Are all toilets operating properly, securely fixed to the floor with no stains around the base? y / n

Is the caulking in good condition inside and outside of the tub and shower area (s)? y / n

Are the tub or shower tiles secure, and are the wall surfaces solid? y / n

Are there any stains or evidence of past leaking around the base of the bath or shower? y / n


Basement /Mechanical room

Is there any evidence of moisture or water in the basement or mechanical room? y / n

Is there any evidence of moisture damage? y / n

Are there any stains, cracks, flaking, or efflorescence on the exposed foundation? y / n

Is the crawl space adequately vented to the exterior? y / n

Is there insulation on exposed water supply, waste and vent pipes? y / n

Is there insulation between crawl space and heated areas, installed with a vapor barrier towards the heated area? y / n

Is there any evidence of damage from insects or rodents? y / n



Have you taken the time to taste the water and make sure it is acceptable to you as drinking water straight out of the tap? y / n

Has the water been tested and is the water test acceptable? y / n

Does all plumbing appear to be in good working order, with good water flow, good drainage, no leaking pipes? y / n



Do all electrical services appear to be in good working order with no knob and tube wiring, open splices, or overloaded panels? y / n

Do all of the lights in the house work properly?  y / n

Do all of the switches work properly?  y / n

Does the doorbell work?  y / n

If there is a garage door, does it work? y / n



Does your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning appear to be in good working order? y / n


Property and Land

Are the yard, landscaping, trees, and walkways in good condition? y / n

Are all fences, sheds, decks, retaining walls, and detached garages in good condition, with no evidence of termite damage or rotted? y / n

Are driveways, sidewalks, patios, and entrance landings in good condition, and pitched away from the structure? y / n

Are all of the railings on stairs and decks are adequate and secure? y / n

Is there evidence of standing water or flooding on the property? y / n

Are there leaks from the septic tank or leech field? y / n

Are smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed and tested? y / n

Do you measure using square feet or square meters? _____________

What is the total area of finished floor space in the home? ____________

What is the total area all unfinished floor space in the home? ___________

What is the total area all secured garage floor space in the home? ___________

What is your asking price for the holding? _________________

What currency are you using?__________________

For the complete online form of this document go to Our online version which calculates out some interesting stuff for you

*Istockhomes Marketing Ltd. is not responsible for the accuracy of this form as it has been designed for those who want to "do it themselves" For more information please refer to Istockhomes Marketing Terms of use.

*We always recommend using a certified professional home inspector prior to purchasing your new home and please always do your homework on researching the home inspector as well. 


Professional Home Inspection.

Yes, you should get your new home professionally inspected prior to completing the purchase and the sale should not go through until the inspection is completed and all nonconformities are fixed.

First off where and how do you find a good home inspector? Should you accept the recommendations of your agent? or maybe check out the better business bureau? No, you need to go further! Here are the steps that we recommend.

#1 don’t trust anyone, especially anyone who is going to profit directly or indirectly from the purchase or who will lose out if the sale does not go through.

#2 Do your research. Search for recommendations, search the name of the company, search the company name + complaints.

#3 Ask for some names and numbers of former customers that you can talk to.

#4 Ask if the inspector is licensed and insured. Often they have error and omission insurance. This insurance is for them not for you!

#5 Ask the inspector what he is going to bring to the inspection.. a paper and a pencil isn’t good enough. Are they going to bring a thermal imaging camera and show you where your heat loss is?

Are they going to test for Radon? 

Are they going to test for co2 Carbon monoxide? it’s easy enough for them to bring a detector 

Are they going to get the water tested? Water testing is readily available and if you request it and do your research you’ll be better off safe than sorry.

Can your inspector get access to the original drawings for the dwelling and go through them with you to make sure all permits were acquired? That all renovations were up to code and that no load-bearing walls were accidentally removed.

What other questions can you ask your home inspector?

Be very careful when buying a house buying a house is a buyer beware and once you are in the house it’s your problem.




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